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NEW! Exody NetSol PENDINGRENEWALDELETION New! Exody .tpop listing most popular terms! Must see to believe! Whois data on registered names. Who is in the chase? Names Taken from the drop listed by nameserver and registar. WordWordWordWord...to 9 in nine languages! All status Complete CN Zone - April 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 exody exody 629917678 Apr 7 06:17 cn.zone Exody now running X8 dual-quad-core Fast! NEW! ExodyMain - for all file areas New! ExpiryCom - ExpiryCom (tm) names just before they expire with the registrars. 12thvirginia.com,Cr:2022-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 13ws2cckb.com,Cr:2024-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 1dfyvtakb.com,Cr:2024-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 4lifeconmadisel.com,Cr:2024-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 4q1ev77jb.com,Cr:2024-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 5hrhmfwjb.com,Cr:2024-03-24,Exp:2025-03-24 Deleted Domain Database! com.delete.zdb 34,096,381 Names and updated daily since Jan 1999! Just sign up for an Exody Account and get an updated list any day you wish! ** This product is copyrighted by Exody and cannot be resold! ExodySearch Ver 12 Name Your Reports! Now search History! Registered, OnHold, Redemption, PendingDelete, Expired, xdb, Zone and more. Exody Old .com .net Whois History back to 2003-2004. ( Please download one file or connection at a time or! ) ExodyPlus! ExodyOldZones - Exody Old Zones History back to 2002. Files will be made available on a rotational basis. ( Please! Please! These files are very very large. ONLY ONE file or connection at a time may be downloaded! Really! ) Building Now! ExodyAdr for registered com - Exody host ip addresses for all registered .com domains. ExodyPlus! ExodyWhois for registered com - Exody shared registry whois for all registered .com domains. NEW! ExodySecret - Exody secret files for onhold, redemption, drop, delete and zmon. NEW! ExodyW5W5 - Exody Double Word area. Newly rebuilt design! Newly Registered or Renewed Names Please find all .com related files here. New! delete section with running hourly names found fully deleted. Now with repeated deleted names removed! New! drop section with running history and status date files. New! redemption section with running history and status date files. New! onhold section with running history and status date files. ExodyFTP Manage your ftp and email delivery service. New ExodyNoCom! .net .org .info .biz .us with status on .com with full history. Live Examples! EXAMPLE-NOCOM Many are fully deleted and available to register. ExodyNSX New! Nameserver sorted Domain List. All the good stuff. Nameserver, Expiration date, Domain Name, Creation date, Registrar, Update Date and Status. ExodyNSZ List for ExodyPlus members - These are NameServer Zone changes on a daily basis with both added and removed records - With History! These files are very large so please download only when they are updated. IDN List - These are International Domain Names which are displayed in the native script languages around the world. Updated daily for status and availablility. IDN file are Exodyftp available. ExodyBackThenWhois Records from Dec 1999 Jan-Feb 2000 These are actual files recorded on Exody six years ago! Who still has them and who let it get away? Two character (x2), Three character (x3) and English words were being run back then! And the Zone! ExodyYourName Make YourName listings! New Method! ExodyYourName works by finding all registered names with a given key word, replaceing that key word with YourName and then looking for ready to register names in that list. Generic to YourName, Brand to YourName, subject to YourName, typo to YourName and Name to YourName! Examples: movie to video, auto to car, mp3 to dvd, travel to trip and on and on... Exody Hyphenless Names with History New Process Search! New Process This list is a must have for anyone selling registrations! ExodyOrg (New!) | ExodyInfo | ExodyBiz | ExodyUS Now with ExodyWhois for .org .info .biz .us cctld domains!We have many of the cc tld zones! 100% .de(2004) .ca(2004) Zones we are unable to get via zone transfers are datamined via our terms database New! Now with Nameserver sort! Who has what? .nsw files Domain Terms!All the terms used in domains! 71,215,274 of them. Now with NEW terms daily! These are names never before registered! See the trends as they occur Don't pay hundreds and hundreds for this listing. Simply subscribe to an ExodyPlus account for $50 and download the days you want! ExodyExpiry Now Updated for ExodyPlus Registry Expiration Dates! .com .net Exclusively Exody - Only from Exody for ExodyPlus Subscribers! On-Hold Names (zmon) ExodyOneStop for your database needs! | With changes and history High Value Names! How do we know these are high value? The .net and .org are registered for five years or more and the .com is deactivated or available to register! Only 1035 names! ExodyHV selected from over 28,000,000 names! Exclusively Exody - For all Exody Subscribers! Registrar Expiration Dates! .com .net .org **** NOTICE! **** This section will become an ExodyPlus feature on Aug 28, 2003 New! New! Listed by creation dates 1983 thru 2003! Exclusively Exody - Only from Exody for ExodyPlus Subscribers! Soon-to-Expire Domains. Now with separate .com .net and .org by date! .net .org .info .biz .us with no .com with History! From delete, redemption, drop and onhold! Fast Daily Update!Now a Server Smokin 10 minutes!) | Help! No Nameserver Names New! Ready Now! On-Hold Database 1,331,884 Names and Updated continuously by our Unix Server running hundreds of process list. ** This product is copyrighted by Exody and cannot be resold! dnsViper Viper Hollow II A must have tool WOW! With Web Reports! ExodyPlus | What is ExodyPlus? Your IP | FAQ | Change Password Send Me My Web Links | ICANN Watch | UDRP Law IP World Online Chilling Effects more | ICANN on WLS Latest! | ICANN on WLS History | Redemption Period
Exody Publishes the Premier Listings of
Expired, Soon-To-Expire and WLS Domains.
Like the word "exody" implies these are domains that have been withdrawn
form active service for various reasons. Also included in our listings
are domain names available now and names deactivated for non-payment.
Links are sent out over regular email which point to our databases.
The fee for this service is $35 per month of listing access.
You may start a subscription by posting $35 to PayPal
for account Billing@exody.com.
We have over 34,096,381 Expired names in our search, 1,331,884 names
on hold that we monitor.
Returned by popular demand, the complete data set for on-hold names.
On-hold search, words, three and two character names available.
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